… may the coming year/decade bring with it more sanity. OK, so I doubt the coming year but possibly the coming decade. You know, hope and change I can believe in.
I want to sincerely thank Mary Matalin and Dana Perino for finally freeing me entirely from giving any credence to anything coming out of Republicans. These two people are not pundits, talking heads, or politi-tainers in any way. They are policy advisors and former members of presidential administrations. They are the people Republicans hire to help run government during Republican administrations. And they are the worst sort of liars in a sea of horrible liars:
Mary Matalin: "… we inherited a recession from President Clinton and we inherited the most tragic attack on our own soil in our nation's history." [emphasis mine]
Did I fucking hear that right? Inherited 9/11? James my ragin' Cajun, I realize you and your wife don't talk politics at home but please tell me you at least raised an eyebrow at her over that one.
But wait, there's more:
Dana Perino: "But we did not have a terrorist attack on our country during President Bush's term."
Blink. Blink. I have no sane words for this. Terrorists flying planes into buildings aren't terrorist attacks on our country? Shoe bomber? Um, if we haven't had a terrorist attack on our country during President Bush's term, then why do I have to take my shoes off at the airport and have my underwire screened before I get on a plane?
Media Matters, Thing Progress, and Salon (sort of) all point out the obvious. These are bald-faced lies and distortions that don't have so much as a grain of sand grounded in reality.
But I'm grateful because it's the kind of bald-faced lie by actual Republican operatives and government policy advisors that shows how low these people are willing to go in an attempt to rewrite history and proves they have no interest in anything other than regaining power. And we have 8 years of evidence as to what happens when a Republican President is in power and 12 years of evidence as to what happens when Congress is in Republican hands. They'll do nothing about the issues they then bitch about when Democrats (who clearly campaigned on and were elected based those issues) try to address those issues. I don't care if you don't like what the Dems are doing, disagreements are fine, but in one of my favorite quotes right now, please stop telling us how to hold the mop when we're wiping up the mess you made. You had the mop, and you just made the mess bigger.
Anyway, I do sincerely hope that this is the last political post I make this year, because if it isn't, that means something so astronomically more stupid happens in the next ~35 hours.
Happy New Year!