Friday, October 10, 2008

Case closed; can we talk about rainbows and unicorns now? Or maybe the economy?

What is so hard to understand here? Marriage is a civil union under the law. Marriage as a religious matter, is whatever the designated religion deems it be, but legal marriage is already a civil union.

I completely understand (while vehemently disagreeing with) the Catholic Church never wanting to perform a same sex marriage. They’d never have to. There’s that wonderful church/state separation. But I do not understand, truly I do not, what the difference between the legal definition of marriage and a civil union is? Why must there be separate but equal statuses? What are these people so fucking afraid of?

I also truly do not understand what the big fucking opposition is anyway. Do those of you oppose marriage rights and civil unions really think that gay people are going away? They’re not. This tide’s coming in no matter what so can we just get on with the more important things in life and allow these good people to get on with what’s important to all of us? Creating and sustaining a family?

I’m trying to understand what the Connecticut case was about, but am completely lost as to the state’s attempt to differentiate between civil unions and civil marriage. I have never heard a logical, rational, common-sense argument in opposition to full marriage rights for all that I have ever understood. Two consenting adults meeting all other criteria (i.e. not related to each other and both being of mental capacity) want to hitch themselves to each other and all that that applies. And we argue more about that in this country than we did about forking over $700 billion to people who already fucked up the economy. Priorities, please?

In Florida, gay couples can foster a child but not adopt. How ridiculous is that? People who are opposed to gay adoption are mean to children who have no homes. People opposed to gay adoption must hate children. I see no other reason for this opposition. These people would rather little children have no family and be bounced around what is often a horrific foster care system. How is that not being mean to little children?

Thank you judges, for doing the right and legal thing. Three down, probably a few more and a Supreme Court ruling to go. The arguments against are ludicrous, nonsensical, and irrelevant. That dog just won't hunt no more.

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