Monday, January 12, 2009

Slow Starts

I’m not much for New Year’s resolutions. If I ever do any at all, I usually wait until my birthday in February. That’s more of a “new year” for me than the Gregorian calendar. But I did take the new year to review what I’ve done and not done since I quit working, and get cracking on a few projects (yay for new kitchen floor!). And amongst those is actually keeping up the writing.

Which doesn’t mean I have much to ramble about every day, or rather that I have the time and inclination to formalize what’s rattling around in my head into what I consider worth publishing. But practice makes perfect so I’m going to start—again—posting something every week day at least just so as to get in practice.

That said, Battlestar Galactica this Friday! Heath Ledger won a posthumous Golden Globe for Dark Knight! I have a new kitchen floor! 2008 is fucking over! Obama gets sworn in next week!

Lots to start on.

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