Friday, September 5, 2008

Random Inanities

For some reason, coffee is not kicking in like normal this morning.

I just cleared my Inbox of 50 Facebook e-mails. That site is a black hole of time suck. I love it.

Keeping up at, it looks like McCain lost ground after the convention. I thought conventions were supposed to boost a candidate, not drag him down further. ;-).

Reading: Finished Bryson’s The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid (recommend it), picking back up on Stephen Clarke’s Merde series (hilarious, but you have to know enough about the English and the French to really get the humour). After that I’ll try a Neil Gaiman (Good Omens) where he partnered with Terry Pratchett. I simply adore Neil Gaiman, but am a bit skeptical about Terry Pratchett. If it sucks, I can start watching the BBC series of Neverwhere to get a Gaiman fix. I love discovering an author that’s been around for a while because there’s a backlog of books to get through. But then typically, that author has decided to take a long sabbatical just when I start jonesing for his/her next book. Or they start partnering with other authors and those rarely work out well. I’ve gotten good recommendations for the Gaiman/Pratchett partnership.

My cats love that I don’t go to work anymore. Or rather, they think my new job is to let them in and out of the house all day long. When good people die, they come back as one of my (or my sisters’) cats.

I think Middle America, except for Chicago, should have their statehoods revoked and turned back into territories. Territories can’t vote, right? But we still get to tax them, take their goods, and benefit from their labor. Just deprive them of their votes and all would be right in this country, right? Or is that left? It’s really just the uber-religiosity that gets to me. I can actually get behind some—even most—of the fiscal aspects of conservatism (particularly those that understand that environmentalism should be at the core of conservative ideology), but those religious wack-jobs just gall me no end.

Redoing the home equity loan. Have to dig up all kinds of verification documents regarding the fiancĂ©’s employment, income, etc. Which is fine, just annoying when you aren’t falsifying your loan application like the sub-prime fools did. It was a bit weird to have to classify myself as a homemaker on the application. I’ve been a corporate whore for so long it just seems weird to suddenly be a homemaker, officially. I laugh with former coworkers about being a housewife for six months, but to have it on an official application is a bit jarring. I could tell that the lady on the phone thought I was pregnant.

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