Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Random Inanities

New rumors for The Dark Knight sequel. If they’re true, they’re brilliant. Johnny Depp as The Riddler and Philip Seymour Hoffman as the Penguin. I don’t worry too much about Nolan getting these two right. The Penguin as played by Danny DeVito was creepy and for the character that DeVito was given to play, he did a fabulous job. Only problem was, that wasn’t the Penguin. Same with Jim Carrey’s The Riddler. The Riddler is an obsessive and brilliant character, not the flapping effeminate that Carrey played himas. Depp would be perfect.

McCain got a big boost in the polls, you can see at Electoral-Vote.com. Still has Obama in the lead, but barely. The boost came predominantly from from white women, but I honestly doubt it will last. As the majority of women really get to know Palin’s policies (or if we do, since she’s not being at all forthcoming with the media), they’ll peel off. Particularly items like this, courtesy of SLOG:

"In May of 2000 the governor of the state of Alaska signed a law that made it illegal for cities to charge victims of sexual assault for the cost of collecting evidence that they had been, you know, raped. Only one city in Alaska at the time was billing rape victims for the expense investigating the crimes committed against them: Wasilla, Alaska."

Some will stay, but they’re the ones who were only voting for Hillary because she was a woman and otherwise would have voted for McCain anyway. Polls still show solid majorities in Congress for the Democrats.

Oh, and she doesn’t know what Freddie Mac does.

But even that doesn’t warrant a real political post on Pandora’s Politics.

Other than that, I just can’t get too worked up on McCain/Palin today. And I’m sick of hearing about her church. Of course, I’m always sick of hearing about any church as it relates to politics.

God, there isn’t any even good entertainment gossip to make fun of. When did all the prosti-tots start behaving? C’mon Lindsey! Train wreck or something. Even Paris doesn’t warrant a rubber-necking glance anymore.

Wow, just after I wrote that I went browsing through other sites and came upon Megan McCain’s train wreck of an interview. There’s my hottie blondie stupidity fix. Thanks watchout (and by extension, Wonkette)!

Cross-posted to Realist Theorist.

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